유튜브 강좌 영상


유네스코 세계기록유산 전승단체

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About the tradition of subak dance in South Hamgyong Province

28 Pages Posted:

song junho

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Date Written: December 25, 2021


About the tradition of subak dance in South Hamgyong ProvinceDownload This Paper Open PDF in Browser Share: About the tradition of subak dance in South Hamgyong Province 28 Pages Posted: song junho affiliation not provided to SSRN Date Written: December 25, 2021 Abstract This thesis was presented by Song Jun-ho as the 5th topic of the Forum for the Transmissi…papers.ssrn.com

A Study on Andan Dance by Choi Seung-hee

17 Pages Posted:

song junho

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Date Written: January 10, 2022


A Study on Andan Dance by Choi Seung-heeDownload This Paper Open PDF in Browser A Study on Andan Dance by Choi Seung-hee 17 Pages Posted: song junho affiliation not provided to SSRN Date Written: January 10, 2022 Abstract There are many misconceptions about Subak (a martial art) that has been passed down since ancient times, such as the f…papers.ssrn.com

1차,2차로 함경도 수박춤 전승에 관해서와 일제강점기 무희 최승희의 안단무 고찰을 등재 추진하고 있다.

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